Someone Cared Enough to Reach Out
When I was 16 there was a major investigation of the hospital I was in which led to some major changes....One being that I was transferred to a better facility where the object was to address why I was there in the first place. It was a hospital still.... But in another part of the state and as different as night and day.
There was a lady (angel) who worked there ...God Bless Her.....Who saw a child in need....... Reached out to me and finally after 16 years...Put a stop to the injustice. If it weren't for this wonderful person I don't think I would have survived another year. She became my guardian and welcomed me into her home. With her love and the love of her family....I slowly was able to learn to trust and love in a normal way.....I can't express enough my love for her.
I never knew the joys of play as a child
the comfort of a mothers love
the firm guidance of a fathers hand
the silliness of a siblings laughter.
but I learned...Perhaps the hard way.......What unconditional love really is....
It's the person who will take you as you are....even damaged
..And find you
worthy of being nourished.
Do you hear a child?