Wednesday, March 15, 2006

*Footnote #2

Does anyone see the wasted potential here? ...

What I could have been?

I sometimes feel as if all this greatness is inside of me and never got the chance to shine.....Like I was this grand specimen of a seed planted....... Then never cared for.....And left unattended......Grew into a weed.

Suppose I had been loved...Suppose I had been nurtured ....Suppose if nothing else I had the chance to be educated in the normal way...Instead of just streetwise.

What great things I could have done......

Instead, in the shelter of being anonymous..........

I write and hope that if I can't shine....
I can at least sparkle....... So that someone else can see.


At 4:21 PM, Blogger Pirate said...

here is your hug ((())). i apologize that it is only a cyber hug but that is all i have at this stage.

i like your style. i like your sense of survival. i like softness under your hard veneer shell. i like your toughness. i like you.

At 7:17 PM, Blogger BabyGirl said...

PIRATE:Thank you so very much.I've been reading your blog and I like you and your family as well. :)and about your will write it just fine in your own style. :)

Margaret: Thank you for your encouraging words. :) I sense that you feel sad for me...please don't...I turned out ok...I just need to get my message out there and making people sad would defeat my purpose. I just want to make people feel.


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