Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Funny Farm...Let the Fun Begin!

Ok , so the title to this post is bit tacky....Sorry ;)...But having a sense of humor is what gets one through life.

This year of my life is my best so far. Who would think that an almost 13 year old would finally find some peace in her life in ..Of all places a State Mental Hospital? Back in the early 60's when a child was incorrigible, ran away...etc....After trying to reform them in foster homes, reform schools and such ..The next step and cheapest place to house them was in the State Hospitals. Luckily, they did have separate housing for children under 16,(unless they were a threat or escape risk) so they weren't in with the 'regular' population....There were actually counselors and doctors there to try to help....But the best part 'Mother' 'brother' pain.

Three meals a day, a nice room ( shared with 3 other co-conspirators) a little school thrown in...And giggles and fun....Ahhhhh the pranks we pulled!! ....:)

Finally .....I was having a carefree 'normal' life... I just happened to be having it in a Mental Hospital.

We ( my co-conspirators) and myself had this scheme going.....Every 90 days we all knew we would be re-evaluated as to our 'mental' status.....And most of us being quite satisfied with how life was going would stage 'mental relapses' to coincide with these evaluations....I sometimes look back and wonder if some of them aren't still there.....;)....Cheers to you, my fellow friends.

Life was good .......

then they started talking about trying to send me home........

and I ran away.


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