Tuesday, March 14, 2006


After spending time in the ICU of the hospital I was sent to the Psychiatric floor where the best of the best head doctors were going to 'fix' me. Or at least medicate me so that I was a zombie, not wanting to die....or run away ... or be bad.....or anything.
There were meetings with detectives...where I had to go over and over again what happened...but nothing ever came of it......no one ever paid for the piece of my soul they took..........but........it doesn't matter .......my soul was so empty by that time......... they didn't get to take much.
I stayed there for about 3 weeks I think, then after a court hearing where my adopted parents signed over papers making me a ward of the state...I was sent to a state mental hospital.

I never found out why they signed the papers.

Being a child...... I just figured that it was because of what happened.....

What other reason could there be?


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