A Kind smile
I don't know why I remember this so clearly ~~ or why it impacted me so much, but I wish I knew who the police officer was, so that I could find him and let him know how much his kind, knowing smile that day touched my soul.
I remember waiting in the police station, for 'Mother' and Daddy to come pick me up after another failed attempt of running away. I think I must have been around 12 and by then had become a pretty well known 'problem child' to the authorities in our city. I remember 'Mother' giving her 'martyr' speech of how unruly, ungrateful,and incorrigible I was~~~ I remember thinking~~~ what a bad , bad little girl I was ~~~and looking up at the police officer standing behind 'Mother'~~ and seeing him smile, then wink at me. I can't describe nor explain what this meant to me.~~ Did it rescue me??~~no~~was it my salvation or turning point???~~~ no~~~~but it made me feel~~~ for just a moment~~ not so all alone.
Perhaps this kind gentleman spent his entire life wondering if he ever made a difference in someones' life through his police work.
~~~SIR, whoever and wherever you are, you made a difference to at least one little girl who needed to know that someone was on her side.......
Thank you.
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