Thursday, March 16, 2006

This Isn't Funny Anymore.

So, I'm being transported back to the hospital. After six months on the road, I'm actually looking forward to seeing my 'old' friends and having a warm secure place to sleep with guaranteed meals.....You know what they say...."There's no place like home" ;) I didn't realize that now I was considered an 'escape risk' .....So it's off to the maximum security building ...Just to teach me a lesson.... No homecoming party with my buddies for me.

This is not fun.

I don't know how mental hospitals are run now, I can only hope with more humanity, cleanliness and compassion. In the early 60's........ They weren't. At least not in the maximum security buildings. I saw things there that no one 'in their right mind' should have to witness. I was housed with some of the most neglect and disturbed people on the planet...To survive you became very very tough .....Or at times ...Very very charming...Whichever worked for you that day.

This was the first time in my life ...That I felt completely trapped.....I went through a period of hopelessness and helplessness....Of feeling so lost in the system...That I wanted to give up....

After all ....Who was going to hear me??


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