Saturday, March 18, 2006

*Final Footnote

This will be my final post in this journey of my life. I'll check back if anyone cares to comment but I won't continue on with who I've become, but will say that I am someone now that you would never know as the person I have let you see.

I carry the scars within and some visible from days that weren't so promising......but I also carry with me everyday the knowledge that deep within all of us is a desparate need to be loved and with it our very will to survive.

Carry with you the knowledge that you never know the hardships that the person standing next to you has suffered....don't be quick to assume, judge or envy....and mostly always remember........

How we make our children feel.......Is the Adults they become. Children need to feel worthy.

God Bless.


At 8:52 PM, Blogger Vickie said...

Thank you for sharing BabyGirl Baily
you are a strong and kind person.I am
so thankful for the angel that came into
your life and reached out for you.

May you find peace today and in the
many days to come.

At 9:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this has been a difficult journey for you to write about. I hope, though, you found some peace in doing so. I wish you well, and God's continuing love. Take care, and thanks for sharing this with us. God Bless.

At 8:49 PM, Blogger BabyGirl said...

Thank you Ms. Vicki and Sally. I've read your blogs and you are both outstanding ladies. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you find a child somewhere that needs you. God Bless

At 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


In a rather bad novel Lewis Carroll postulated and proved, mathmatically, that it is far better to love everyone than to be loved by everyone.

At 8:41 PM, Blogger BabyGirl said...

anonymous:Even though the novel was bad the wisdom was good and very true.Thank you for reminding me.
God bless and good health.

At 7:53 PM, Blogger Doug Bagley said...

Hope to see ya around. Don't stray too far, K?

At 9:18 PM, Blogger BabyGirl said...

Thank you, Doug. I won't stray too far and most assuredly I'll be keeping an eye on your blog as you make me smile. Keep up your gifted writing.

At 4:54 PM, Blogger Sideways Chica said...

Dear babygirl...I read all of your posts, as how could I not? So compelling, so heartbreaking, yet the final post with hope that others will hear...not only you, but others. The children.

So brave to explore your past...put it on display. Thank you for sharing.

You are an extraordinary being. I am glad you came to my site. I am glad I came and read your site.


At 6:56 PM, Blogger BabyGirl said...

The love and compassion you show and share in your blog is above and beyond the norm. Thank you for your very kind words and for truly seeming to understand the whole reason I wrote the 'journey'. God Bless

At 4:15 PM, Blogger Lebatron said...

Well, that's too bad. I hope to still see you on my blog, though. ;)

At 6:08 PM, Blogger Walker said...

We are the products of what we were.
To assume what someone is, is to walk through life blind and ignorant.
You can build strength from what you have experienced and move forward.
You seem Like a strong woman capable of doing just that. The fact that you could face your past tells me you are ready for the future.

At 1:32 PM, Blogger BabyGirl said...

FTS and Lebatron:Thank you.

Walker: Yes, we are products of what we were. No matter how we push on, overcome, succeed..we always carry with us how we were nourished at the beginning. It doesn't mean we can't be productive, happy people only that no matter how hard we try, a child who isn't made to feel worthy will eventually grow into an adult who feels the same.
Thank you for your kind comments.

At 2:06 PM, Blogger Monica said...

You came by my blog today and I stopped in to say thank you.

I hope life is being good to sounds like you definitely deserve it.

At 6:50 PM, Blogger BabyGirl said...

Thank you Monica. Life is very good for me now. It's like the comment that Karen left for you on your blog~~ "If God leads you to it, He'll lead you through it."

I've found that had I not been through the things I have... I wouldn't be the strong woman that I am today...for that I'm thankful. God Bless and I pray for God's arms to protect your son.

At 10:44 AM, Blogger clew said...

Babygirl, thanks for visiting me. I'm sorry that I haven't known of your blog until now - but will return to catch up over time. From what I've just read so far, please know that you will be in my prayers until the day I die.

Blessings and Godspeed on your journey, sweetheart ...

At 3:50 PM, Blogger Bill said...

Babygirl I know you? Funny, my wife's maiden name is Bailey and her dad calls her baby girl.

At 10:36 AM, Blogger BabyGirl said...

Clew..thank you so much for taking time to stop by and your kind thoughts. God Bless

Bill Scott..Isn't that a coincidence about your wife's name and all...No, I don't know you, but then again, I am someone much like someone who passes you on the street,or someone you may know... a friend, a relative, a child.....

You just never know the burdens people may carry,who seem to have it all.... all the more reason to be kind, listen harder and hug those around you.God Bless.

At 4:45 PM, Blogger Deb said...

Thanks so much for visiting my blog today. You have had such a difficult journey, and my heart cries for you.

I wish I could physically punch every one who wronged you. Know that if you ever need an "ear," I'm here. You'll be in my prayers.

BTW, you are a very talented writer.

At 6:37 PM, Blogger BabyGirl said...

Deb, thank you so much for stopping by. I am honestly doing fine.. I learned a long time ago that to allow what happened to me to follow me all my life would be to big a burden to I don't. I hope by writing this someone will be touched enough to make a difference for some other child. Thank you for your comment on my writing...I wrote from my heart.

At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry to be discovering your blog when you are ending it

Bless you and good luch

At 10:49 AM, Blogger BabyGirl said...

Thank you for stopping by Pia~~ I love your blog!!Great work.

At 10:49 AM, Blogger BabyGirl said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 9:47 PM, Blogger Big Dave T said...

I wanted to thank you for visiting my blog. And for the very relevant comment that you made there. True, we all need faith of some kind.

"Children need to feel worthy." Absolutely. But the challenge is also to make them feel like they can accomplish their dreams too. Having faith in yourself is one thing. Using that faith to make something better out of yourself is the challenge.

At 10:12 PM, Blogger BabyGirl said...

Thank you Dave for your thoughtful words.You are so right...

A child made to feel worthy,learns to have faith and confidence in themselves to be whatever they choose to be.

I am one of the very few lucky ones...that in spite of my beginnings...has risen above it and accomplished much....

Yet to be truthful...I don't think I'll ever accomplish what I seek most....

to feel worthy....

but it's ok.

At 7:27 PM, Blogger oregoncelticlady said...

I, too, am sorry that I have just come here to read! I appreciated your comment about my daughter. I will come back this week to read your past posts...I am interested. Visit me!

At 1:25 AM, Blogger Sideways Chica said...

Just checking in chica to make sure you are doing okay.

Ciao for well.

At 7:50 PM, Blogger BabyGirl said...

Celtic Lady~ the comment I made was very justified. You are a wonderful mother and role model to your daughter. God Bless

p.s. I really love the CelticWoman group. Beautiful music :)

At 7:55 PM, Blogger BabyGirl said...

Teri~ I'm doing fine, thanks :) for checking. I read your blog every week, but don't comment, as sometimes I don't think it's proper to introduce myself too often. I don't think it would do some people good to read my blog, so I try to be careful where I leave my name. I do read you though and love your thoughts.
thank you again & God Bless.

At 8:26 PM, Blogger Diane Viere said...

Please come back....we only just met.


At 8:46 PM, Blogger BabyGirl said...

I'll visit your blog often,Diane, if you don't mind. Tonight was my first time there and my heart literally skipped a beat when I finally saw good people DOING something good. God Bless.

At 2:18 AM, Blogger C. H. Green said...

I'm saddened that you're ending your blog just when I've found it. Please reconsider....

At 7:42 AM, Blogger BabyGirl said...

It's ok CH, I'm still here. I've ended that part of my journey in life. It was a good place for me to end the telling, as from that day on, I began my journey to where I am today. I can only say, so as to keep my anonymity, that I am truly a blessed woman now. I wanted to end my story, so that people reading it can fathom the vicious cycle that neglect of a child can create and in reading hopefully find within themselves, the calling to be that ONE person for someone else.
I'll be around~ I'm just a keyboard away.

At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Babygirl, I hear you. And I'm hugging my babies every chance that I get. And I'm fighting for their opportunity to be heard. I'm a foster mother and will hopefully be an adoptive mother soon. "How we make our children the adults they become". That is powerful and something I will not forget.

At 5:15 PM, Blogger BabyGirl said...

Thank you so much, QUEENBEE, for reading my story. It was very hard for me to write this, as it's something that is very personal...but your saying that you got something from it....makes it all worthwhile. Thank you. Best of luck with your adoption proceedings. God Bless

At 8:43 PM, Blogger BabyGirl said...

Margaret: Thank you. Yes,I'm a very happy person. Sometimes we have choices in life. We can live life remembering...or live life making new memories. I choose to live mine making new ones.

To be truthful...I'll never be a 'whole' person...but who of us really is? I will always feel a certain emptiness...but I've come a long way and I'm proud of who I am.
Thank you for reading my story.

At 2:11 PM, Blogger Diane Viere said...

I completely agree with Margaret--my children will tell you I have a favorite expression:

"The best happiness!"

That is my wish for you my dear Babygirl. Wholeness will follow--we are all a work in progress and will not be finished until we meet the One who has begun the good work in us!!!!!


At 10:31 PM, Blogger BabyGirl said...

Thank you. I really am a happy person. I guess I am proof positive that all of us are worth saving no matter how old (I was 16)...I have grown into a very loving,good and productive adult, in spite of my beginnings. Sometimes I like to think that my revenge is that not only am I happy but oddly enough, I'm a better person because of what happened to me. It's the only way to make sense of it. If we all had wonderful childhoods, who would be left to understand the ones that didn't? There is a purpose to everything in purpose is to REALLY understand when a child cries out....and I do.


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